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Outside Kids

February Happenings

Happy February!

February 2nd brings 2 reasons to celebrate!

Ground Hog Day and Candlemas, a European tradition.

Both celebrate the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.


Dripping candles

At Outside Kids this week, we made candles and pancakes, outside of course,  in the c-c-cold Florida weather, and played a ground hog game.

Monday /Tuesday Outside Kids will be create their candles and eat pancakes on Tuesday!  Everybody gets a turn, even when we can't all have a turn at the same time.

This month also brings Valentine's Day. We'll exchange Valentine's on Tuesday, Feb 12 and Thursday, Feb 14.

No need to purchase cards! Outside Kids will create their own valentines. We will water color paint this week and use the paintings to make valentine hearts. 

Be my Valentine

Today, you can celebrate Ground Hog day by going outside to see if you can see your shadow, just like the ground hog. Here's a little song to the tune of I'm a little tea pot.  

 " I’m a little ground hog furry and brown.

I pop up and look around

If I see my shadow back I’ll go. 

Six more weeks of winter, Oh no!                                                               

Tonight you can celebrate Candlemas by lighting a candle and singing This Little Light of Mine, and then talking about how you let your light shine today.

Let your light shine

With Joy,

Miss Lynn



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